The regular tutoring rate is $40/hour for one student to attend personalized, one-to-one tutoring sessions once-a-week.
However, IF an individual student regularly meets for TUTORING TWICE-A-WEEK during the school year, they will actually have a DISCOUNTED rate of $35/hour during the school year. Meeting twice-a-week helps students have more consistent results from tutoring, because they are able to receive assistance with more assignments each the week. (During the summer, students only meet once-a-week, so they would all pay the regular once-a-week rate during the optional summer session.)
Individualized MATH TUTORING is CURRENTLY being provided ONLINE, during both the summer and the school year.
Students receive one-to-one tutoring.
Appointments are scheduled for one hour and previously took place in my home, (as I have all the resources here) and appointments are scheduled back-to-back.
The current rate is $40/hour for one student for one-on-one tutoring.
However, IF an individual student regularly meets for TUTORING TWICE-A-WEEK during the school year, they will actually have a DISCOUNTED rate of $35/hour during the school year. Meeting twice-a-week helps students have more consistent results from tutoring, because they are able to receive assistance with more assignments during the week. (During the summer, students only meet once-a-week, so if they participate they would all pay the regular once-a-week rate during the summer session.)
When meeting in person, some parents paid for each individual tutoring appointment separately, if meeting once-per-week. Or, you may choose to pay for multiple sessions at one time, on the first session your child attends each week or the first session of the month. (Checks can be written toSuccessful You! Services. You may also pay by cash, if you prefer.)
(**Since tutoring is currently ONLINE, payment is being sent ONCE at the beginning of the month, either through the mail or by dropping off a check/cash to the slotted mail/drop box on my front porch.)
Appointments are scheduled for one hour, and students are scheduled to start at the beginning of each hour.
It's OK if you arrive a few minutes early. We are currently meeting ONLINE; just use the private LINK you are given to join my MEETING ROOM. I will be able to see you are there, but I will usually be tutoring another student. I will generally need to wait to ADMIT you into the meeting room at your appointment start time. (If you are meeting IN-PERSON, just come in and sit down.
If you arrive late, the appointment will still end at the regular time, because the next student will need to get started at their reserved time.
Since we are currently meeting ONLINE, it is important for you to make sure you have a GOOD CONNECTION with both audio and video capabilities and try to link to the MEETING ROOM at least 5 minutes before your appointment in case you are requested to update something or you have difficulties connecting. (If it is your first time meeting for tutoring, you should allow additional time and even try to connect to the meeting room at a different convenient time to make sure you are able to do so.)
Students need me to be ready and available as their tutor at a specific time each week; I also need all students to attend their appointments consistently as well.
Because there are limited appointments possible each week to schedule tutoring sessions after school, it is especially important that all the reserved tutoring times are consistently utilized.
When you reserve a particular tutoring appointment, I've saved this regular time in my schedule for you, whether or not you use it.
Because of these factors, a CANCELLATION/RESCHEDULING POLICY has been adopted to help encourage consistency in attendance. PLEASE TAKE TIME TO READ THIS POLICY LISTED BELOW BEFORE YOU BEGIN TUTORING. THANK YOU!
The following policy helps provide me the consistency needed to be able to offer personalized, quality math tutoring services for your son or daughter.
No long-term commitments are required. However, by reserving a tutoring time-slot, you are indicating that you are committing to regular, weekly tutoring at that time, until you no longer need tutoring services. (Summer tutoring is an available OPTION that runs for the full summer.)
To reserve a regular appointment time for tutoring, payment is required for your time-slot whether or not you choose to utilize your scheduled appointment each week.
Payment for a missed session will be required the next time you attend a tutoring session, whether or not you are able to make it up at another time. (You can always choose to cancel and pay for a missed session at any time.)
Please let me know AS SOON AS you are aware of any UNAVOIDABLE SCHEDULE CONFLICTS, such as when students receive SEASON SCHEDULES for required sports teams or band/choir concerts. When you have an unavoidable schedule conflict, IFyou notify me at least48-hours before your cancelled session, I will attempt to reschedule a "make-up" tutoring session at the closest available time. Although, I require 48-hours as a minimum cancellation time in order to reschedule, I would greatly appreciate receiving much more advance notice when there is a schedule conflict, such as a week or two, so adequate time is allowed for facilitating schedule adjustments. (If your child participates in sports, it is helpful to try to find alternative appointments for potential schedule conflicts at the beginning of the season.)
(If your child has a severe illness, like the stomach flu, please let me know and we will reschedule. I will also try to reschedule appointments when a required event has been rescheduled due to weather.)
PLEASE NOTE: I'm UNABLE to ACCOMMODATE AVOIDABLE SCHEDULE CONFLICTS, like STUDENT JOBS, even if you give me advanced notice. Students should let their employers know that they are unable to work when they are already scheduled for their tutoring appointment (including babysitting). Please plan to have the regular tutoring appointment take priority in the student's personal schedule over part-time jobs.
If a student FORGETS TO SHOW UP to their appointment, they will need to pay for the missed session without rescheduling it. (I usually try to call you 5 minutes after your appointment starts when a student is late to make sure you are on the way, but I'm not always able to reach you to do this.)
Currently, the following times are the "make-up" appointments that are built into the schedule: Mondays at 8 pm and Thursday at 8 pm. Often additional appointment times open up because of other students' schedule changes.
Make-up times that work for you can be difficult to arrange, so it is important that you choose a regular tutoring time that works well with your schedule. (*If a tutoring session is repeatedly rescheduled, your appointment time may be given to another student who desires it.)
EXCEPTIONS TO THE REGULAR SCHEDULE: During SPRING BREAK (for 1 week) and CHRISTMAS BREAK (for 2 weeks), appointments will be cancelled without payment or rescheduling. If additional vacation time is desired, that appointment will need to be rescheduled. During THANKSGIVING week, students that usually meet twice-a-week will only meet once. Students that usually meet once-a-week will still meet as scheduled, or a make-up appointment can be arranged.
***OTHER THAN THESE EXCEPTIONS listed above, PLEASE ASSUME THAT YOUR STUDENT WILL MEET AT THEIR REGULAR APPOINTMENT TIME EVERY WEEK. PLEASE DO NOT ASSUME THAT TUTORING IS CANCELED JUST BECAUSE THE SCHOOL IS CLOSED ONE DAY. This is EVEN TRUE ON SNOW DAYS, because the roads are typically much better later in the day after the sun comes out and plows have gotten through. So if there is a snow day, we are still scheduled to meet at the regular time. If the roads are still do dangerous to drive later in the day at their appointment time, we can reschedule, but it may not be a convenient time, and likely on Saturday. If they need to reschedule on a different day that school is out, please ask to do this ahead of time. (**NOTE: BECAUSE WE ARE CURRENTLY ONLINE, WE WILL ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO AVOID RESCHEDULING DURING SEVERE WEATHER.)
I will notify you if the regular appointment time needs to be changed, otherwise assume we are meeting as planned.
CANCELLATION DURING SUMMER TUTORING: Summer tutoring is an available option. Families often go on vacation during the summer; however, the regular cancellation policy will still apply for the students who choose to participate in the summer tutoring program (usually 10 or 11 weeks). Payment for your missed session will be required by your next appointment, whether or not you choose to make it up. Make-up appointments are usually scheduled during the week before or after your vacation.